Statements vs Expressions


A statement performs some action


An expression evaluates to some value


print("Hello World")


return 55

if (done) exit()

throw SomeError()


"Hello World"


5 + 3

a * 5 > b

x_flag & mask

An expression can be part of a statement:

while (x < 5)
    x += 15

print("i: " + i)

A statement is never part of an expression.

In typed languages…

…statements typically don't have a type. If they do, the type is typically something like Unit or void.

…all expressions have types. "Hello World" is a string, 5 + 7 is an integer and so on.


Some expressions such as i++ (unary increment in C-like languages) have side-effects and could be viewed as statements embedded in expressions: while (i++ < 15) …

Some things can be used both as expressions and statements. A call to a function returning a value for example. In C-like languages they need to be terminated by a ; to form a complete statement.

myFunction();                 // As statement
if (myFunction())             // As expression
    print("Returned true!");

In scripting languages it's also common to use short circuiting boolean expressions. In shell scripting you often see things like

compile_code || exit 1

or in PHP where the following is a common pattern

fopen($site, "r") or die("Unable to connect");


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