Unsigned int in Java

Java does not have unsigned data types. Your options are:

An unsigned int

An int is always signed in Java, but nothing prevents you from viewing an int simply as 32 bits and interpret those bits as a value between 0 and 264.

Java int value Bits Interpreted as unsigned
0 00000000…00000000 0
1 00000000…00000001 1
2,147,483,647 01111111…11111111 2,147,483,647
−2,147,483,648 10000000…00000000 2,147,483,648
−2 11111111…11111110 4,294,967,294
−1 11111111…11111111 4,294,967,295

Keep in mind that there’s nothing you can do to force your interpretation upon someone else’s method. If a method accepts a int, then that method accepts a value between −231 and 231 − 1 unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Here are a couple of useful conversions / manipulations.

Printing an unsigned int

Use Integer.toUnsignedString:

System.out.println("Value of my unsigned int: " + Integer.toUnsignedString(uint));

Converting from long to unsigned int

Casting to int throws away all but the lowest 32 bits.

long lng = 2200000000L;  // 00000000 ... 00000000 10000011 00100001 01010110 00000000
int i = (int) lng;       //                       10000011 00100001 01010110 00000000

System.out.println(i);                            // -2094967296
System.out.println(Integer.toUnsignedString(i));  // 2200000000

Converting from unsigned int to long

Use Integer.toUnsignedLong to avoid sign extension.

int i = 0b10000011001000010101011000000000;  // -2094967296 or 2200000000

long signed = i;                             // -2094967296 (with sign extension)
long unsigned = Integer.toUnsignedLong(i);   //  2200000000 (without sign extension)

Or, equivalently:

long unsigned = i & 0xffffffffL;

Comparing unsigned ints

int cmp = Integer.compareUnsigned(i1, i2);
// cmp = -1  =>  i1 < i2
// cmp =  0  =>  i1 = i2
// cmp =  1  =>  11 > i2

Parsing an unsigned int

int i = Integer.parseUnsignedInt("2200000000");

System.out.println(Integer.toUnsignedString(i)); // 2200000000

Note: Integer.parseInt would throw a NumberFormatException for the above input.


As it happens, the 2-complement representation “just works” for addition, subtraction and multiplication.

// two unsigned ints
int i1 = (int) 2200000000L;
int i2 = 55555;

int sum  = i1 + i2;  // 2200055555
int diff = i1 - i2;  // 2199944445
int prod = i2 * i2;  // 3086358025

For division and remainder, use Integer.divideUnsigned and Integer.remainderUnsigned:

int q = Integer.divideUnsigned(i1, i2);     // 39600
int r = Integer.remainderUnsigned(i1, i2);  // 22000


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