Java: Clone and Cloneable

Object.clone offers a shortcut for creating exact, field-by-field, copies of objects. A lot of the boiler plate typically required in copy constructors or static factory methods goes away.

Unfortunately the cloning API is poorly designed and should almost always be avoided. See sections Critique and Alternatives to Cloning for more information.

Both arrays and objects can be cloned. Apart from the section specifically on arrays, this article focuses on cloning objects.


Here's how to make a Car class cloneable:

class Car implements CloneableThis tells Object.clone that it's safe to clone of Car objects. If we omit this, Object.clone will throw a CloneNotSupportedException. {

    private String make;
    private int doors;
    private Motor motor;
    private Gearbox gearbox;

    public Car(String make,
               int doors,
               Motor motor,
               Gearbox gearbox) {

    public Car clone() {Object.clone is protected, so we need to override it to make it public

        try {
            Car c = (Car) super.clone()Use Object.clone to create a copy of the correct type
and do a field-by-field copy
; // c.doors = doors;Already copied by Object.clone c.motor = motor.clone(); c.gearbox = gearbox.clone();Clone children to produce a deep copy // c.make = make;No need to clone make, since strings are immutable return c; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Will not happen in this case return null; } } … }

Then, clone away…

Car car1 = new Car("BMW", 4, someMotor, someGearbox);
Car car2 = p1.clone();

// car1 and car2 refer to distinct objects

Shallow vs Deep Cloning

See Shallow vs Deep Copy (with examples) if you're not familiar with these terms.

According to convention, clone should return a deep copy. This is typically the expected / most useful alternative. Consider the Car example at the top of the article. It would be quite annoying if car1.getGearbox().setGear(4) would affect the current gear of car2!

Object.clone however, creates a shallow copy. This means that the object returned by super.clone() refers to the same "children" as the original object. It's therefore important that the clone method clones the referenced objects and updates the references before returning the result, as was done with motor and gearbox in the example above.

Original Car make: BMW engine: gearbox: Gearbox gears: 6 Engine cylinders: 12 After super.clone() Car make: BMW engine: gearbox: After completed clone Car make: BMW engine: gearbox: Gearbox gears: 6 Engine cylinders: 12

Returning a deep clone is not a strict requirement though. There are situations when a shallow copy makes more sense, and sometimes cloning the children is not even an option. The clone methods of all standard collections for example (ArrayList, HashMap, …) return shallow clones.

The black magic of Object.clone

Object.clone achieves two things that ordinary Java methods can't:

  1. It creates an instance of the same type as this, i.e. the following always holds:

    super.clone().getClass() == this.getClass()

  2. It then copies all fields from the original object to the clone.

It manages to do this without invoking any constructors and the field-by-field copy includes private and final fields.

But… how!? The Object.clone method is native:
protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;
This means that it's implemented as part of a system library, typically written in C or C++. This allows it to use low level calls such as memcpy, ignore access modifiers, and do other things ordinary Java methods can't.

Why use super.clone() instead of new Car(…)?

Had we used new Car(…) instead of super.clone() subclasses would run into trouble.

Suppose there's a subclass, Minivan. Minivan.clone would have to call super.clone() to make sure private fields in the Car class was cloned properly. This would however return a Car object which would be of little use to Minivan.clone which needs to return an Minivan object!

If the clone method of every class in the hierarchy starts with super.clone() we ensure that Object.clone is always called, and as noted in the previous section, this guarantees that the correct type is instantiated. In this case Minivan.clone would get an Minivan object from super.clone().

Note that if Car had been declared final, there would be no subclasses, and using new Car(…) would have been completely fine.


A few things to keep in mind when overriding clone:

Don't leak this
Just as for constructors, you shouldn't leak the this reference from within a clone method as code elsewhere might access the object before it's in an initialized state. This implies that you should not call overridable methods from within clone.
If the object is shared among other threads, make sure you synchronize so you don't make a copy when the object is in a bad state. Also, Object.clone is not an atomic operation, (and even if it was, you'd still need to worry about word tearing).
Design for extension
Design for inheritance, or prohibit it (Effective Java, item 19). In a non-final class you have three options when it comes to cloning:
  1. Make the class itself Cloneable with a proper public clone method.
  2. Don't implement Cloneable but leave the door open for subclasses to do so. In this case you should mimic the behavior of Object.clone by providing a functioning clone method, but leave it as protected and with the throws CloneNotSupportedException declaration.
  3. Prevent cloning altogether by creating a protected final clone method that throws a CloneNotSupportedException exception.
Extending a cloneable class
If you extend a cloneable class, directly or indirectly, your will automatically implement Cloneable and inherit a public clone method. There's no way to opt out from this, so you must play along and override clone properly. If this is not possible, you could throw an CloneNotSupportedException, but only if the signature of the super class's clone method allows for it.

Why implement Cloneable? It has no methods!

If you don't implement Cloneable, then Object.clone will throw a CloneNotSupportedException.

An interface with no methods is called a marker interface (see Java: Marker interfaces, with examples).

The Contract of clone

The contract says that it should "return a copy of this object" where the meaning of copy "…may depend on the class of the object". In other words, the contract doesn't specify any absolute requirements. It does however list the following conventions:

The first two items can be achieved by following the convention to always start with super.clone().

As mention further up in the article Object.clone produces a shallow copy, which means that overriding clone methods should take care of cloning referenced objects to adhere to the last convention. This only applies to mutable objects however, since it's always safe to share references to immutable objects.

The method should throw CloneNotSupportedException if the object's class doesn't implement Cloneable (again, achieved by always calling super.clone). Furthermore, subclasses are allowed to throw this exception to indicate that an object can't be cloned for other reasons.


The general consensus is that the cloneable API is poorly designed and should be avoided. Here's why:

Marker interfaces in general…
…are considered a bad idea in the first place. Instead of describing what clients can do with an object, they describe an internal capability. They require out of band knowledge and encourages a procedural programming style.

There's no way to "opt out" from them in subclasses. If a Car is Cloneable, then so is a Minivan and there's nothing you can do about it.

Since the first marker interfaces were introduced, annotations have been added to the language which are better suited for expressing this type of meta data.
Cloneable in particular lacks a clone method
This means for example that if you have an array of Cloneable objects you can't iterate over it and create a deep copy of the array.

If you cast something to a Cloneable, and the runtime type really do implement the interface, you still can't call the clone method, since it's protected in Object.

If you implement Cloneable but forget to implement a public clone method, the compiler will not catch the error. And just being Cloneable is pretty useless, since there's still no way for clients to clone objects.
Object.clone bends the rules of the language
The Object.clone creates an instance without going through any constructor. This is easy to forget when maintaining code, which may result in class invariants being broken.
Incompatibility with final references
Since references to mutable objects should be updated by the clone method, such fields can't be marked as final.
CloneNotSupportedException is a checked exception…
…while it should have been unchecked. The client may know for sure that a clone will succeed, yet it is forced to wrap the call in a try/catch.

See Choosing between Checked and Unchecked Exceptions.
It's hard to get right
Even though you know the rules of the game, it's hard to override clone correctly. What if you have cycles in the object graph you're trying to clone? What if you reference mutable third party classes that don't support cloning?
Object.clone returns an Object
…which means you must resort to casts.

Cloning Arrays

Arrays implement Cloneable and provide a public clone method. None of the drawbacks mentioned in previous section applies to arrays. In fact arr.clone() is the preferred idiom for cloning arrays. You don't even have to cast the result as the return type of the array clone method is the same as the type of the array being cloned.

Keep in mind however, that the result is a shallow copy. If the array stores references to other objects, the clone will reference the same objects.

Original array Cloned array Car make: BMW

Alternatives to Cloning

For full details and examples please refer to the full article Java: Copying Objects, Deep and Shallow).

Copy Constructors / Copy Factory Methods
A copy constructor, public Car(Car c) { … }, or a static copy factory method, public Car newInstance(Car c) { … }, is the simplest and most straight forward way of creating copies. It easy to understand (no black magic) which also makes it easy to debug and maintain.
Homegrown copy method
A home grown copy method that doesn't rely on the Cloneable/Object.clone mechanism may be a viable option. It's more verbose but that may be a an acceptable price to pay considering the alternative. It's possible to name it "clone" but you may want to go for something different (copy, copyOf, deepCopy, shallowCopy, …) to avoid confusion.
When using the builder pattern it's common to provide a way to initialize the state of the builder with the state of a given object. Creating a copy of a car c could look like new Car.Builder(c).build(). The Immutables library for example, generates a builder with a from(…) method for this purpose.
Serialization / deserialization
By serializing an object, then deserializing the result you end up with a copy. If you already have a library such as Jackson set up for json serialization, you can reuse this for cloning.

Another alternative is to use the Serializable mechanism and ObjectInputStream/ObjectOutputStream but then you trade one type of black magic for another.


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