Java: Inserting an element in an array at a given index

In Java arrays can't grow, so you need to create a new array, larger array, copy over the content, and insert the new element.

Example: Insert 30 in arr at index 2

int[] arr = { 10, 20, 40, 50 };

arr = Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length + 1);
System.arraycopy(arr, i, arr, i + 1, arr.length - i - 1);
arr[i] = 30;

// arr == [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ]

Apache Commons Lang

If you have Commons Lang on your class path, you can use one of the ArrayUtils.insert methods.

Example: Insert 30 in arr at index 2

int[] arr = { 10, 20, 40, 50 };

arr = ArrayUtils.insert(2, arr, 30);


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