Hash Table Load Factor and Capacity

This is an excerpt from the more extensive article on Hash Tables.

Load Factor

The load factor is the average number of key-value pairs per bucket.

load factor
total number of key-value pairs
number of buckets

It is when the load factor reaches a given limit that rehashing kicks in. Since rehashing increases the number of buckets, it reduces the load factor.

The load factor limit is usually configurable and offers a tradeoff between time and space costs.

Lower limit More empty buckets More memory overhead Higher limit Larger buckets Slower lookups

The default load factor for a Java HashMap is 0.75 and for a C# Hashtable it’s 1.0.


The capacity is the maximum number of key-value pairs for the given load factor limit and current bucket count.

number of buckets
load factor limit

Since rehashing increases the number of buckets, it increases the capacity.

The default initial capacity for a Java HashMap is 12 and for a C# Hashtable it’s 0, i.e. the bucket array is initialized lazily upon first insertion.


Here’s the structure of a hash table, configured with load factor limit of 4.

Current load factor: 24 / 8 = 3 Configured limit: 4 Current capacity: 8 × 4 = 32


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