Go: Timer and Ticker explained

Timers and Tickers let you execute code in the future, once or repeatedly.

Timeout (Timer)

time.After waits for a specified duration and then sends the current time on the returned channel:

select {
case news := <-AFP:
case <-time.After(time.Hour):
        fmt.Println("No news in an hour.")

The underlying time.Timer will not be recovered by the garbage collector until the timer fires. If this is a concern, use time.NewTimer instead and call its Stop method when the timer is no longer needed:

for alive := true; alive; {
        timer := time.NewTimer(time.Hour)
        select {
        case news := <-AFP:
        case <-timer.C:
                alive = false
                fmt.Println("No news in an hour. Service aborting.")

Repeat (Ticker)

time.Tick returns a channel that delivers clock ticks at even intervals:

go func() {
        for now := range time.Tick(time.Minute) {
                fmt.Println(now, statusUpdate())

The underlying time.Ticker will not be recovered by the garbage collector. If this is a concern, use time.NewTicker instead and call its Stop method when the ticker is no longer needed.

Wait, act and cancel

time.AfterFunc waits for a specified duration and then calls a function in its own goroutine. It returns a time.Timer that can be used to cancel the call:

func Foo() {
        timer = time.AfterFunc(time.Minute, func() {
                log.Println("Foo run for more than a minute.")
        defer timer.Stop()

        // Do heavy work


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