Java: Autoboxing and unboxing

If a value of primitive type (int, double, boolean, …) is provided where a value of wrapper type (a “boxed value” such as Integer, Double, Boolean, …) is expected, the compiler will automatically convert it. This is called autoboxing.

Example: Autoboxing in its simplest form

Integer i = 5;  // int turned into an Integer

The opposite conversion is called unboxing.

Example: Unboxing in its simplest form

int i = new Integer(5);  // Integer turned into an int

Without these automatic conversions, code would quickly get cluttered, especially when working with collections.

Unboxing a null reference

If you try to unbox a null reference, a NullPointerException will be thrown.

Example: Compiles but throws a NullPointerException when executed

Integer i = null;
int j = i;

Behind the scenes

The Java Language Specification does not specify exactly how the conversion should be done, but the javac reference implementation uses the following methods:

Type Boxing Unboxing


Byte.valueOf Byte.byteValue


Short.valueOf Short.shortValue


Integer.valueOf Integer.intValue


Long.valueOf Long.longValue


Float.valueOf Float.floatValue


Double.valueOf Double.doubleValue


Character.valueOf Character.charValue


Boolean.valueOf Boolean.booleanValue

Example: These two snippets are equivalent

Integer i = 1;
Integer j = 2;
Integer k = i + j;
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(1);
Integer j = Integer.valueOf(2);
Integer k = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + j.intValue());


The valueOf methods of Byte, Short, Integer, Long and Character caches values between −128 and 127. This means that two calls to Integer.valueOf(5) will return the same reference, while two calls to Integer.valueOf(5000) may not.

This can give rise to some surprising semantics when comparing boxed values using == and !=.

Recommended reading: Java: Boxed values and equality.


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